Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy Friday!!

Hello Everyone,

Hope ya'll all had a good week, ours seemed to last forever. So we are off to a crafty start this weekend. Me and Jazzy went up and made a card. It was a simple square flower card, I have seen a lot of these lately. I cut the paper and ribbon for Jazzy but she put it all together. I am hoping she will want to do a video to teach people how. It was super simple. Well I hope you like the card.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Your Blog!

I am still very new to the working of a blog. I would like add Jazzy's followers blogs to the site, and would like to follow ya'll just not sure how. If I click on the followers it just shows names not blogs. So to help me out could you post in the comments of this post your blog name and how you found Jazzy's blog. And then I can add you to a blog list of the right. Thank you so much for helping me and taking a look at Jazzy blog. I am not really good at updating it everyday but will try to be better. Thank again for stopping by.