Thursday, December 30, 2010

Video Bar.

We just added a video bar on the right hand side under the welcome post. Hope you can check out a few of Jazzy videos. We are still learning the ins and outs of the blog world.

Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Demo Martha Stewart Score Board

Jazzy is going to show how easy the Martha Stewart Score Board is to use. This was one of mommy's Christmas gifts, that Jazzy just had to play with. Jazzy made a 2inch box with matching lid.

Paper sizes are 6x6 inch square and a 4 x 4 1/8inch square. On the 6 x 6inch paper the score lines are at 2 and 4 inch marks. On the 4 x 4 1/8inch paper the score marks are 1inch and 3 1/8inch.

These are the first two boxes we made.
We switched the box color so you could see the lid a little better.

Jazzy's box she made on the video.
The video!!!

Please note: Jazzy is only 6 years old and does not understand measurements very well, and does not use the 1/8 inch in her measurements.

Thank you and hope you like the box she has made for you. Please if you make a box email us, and we will post up your box. Jazzy would love you see your work. She loves teaching people new stuff. :)

BLING! and more bling.

No matter what you call it, gems, jewels, bling, or sparkles, every girl, no matter how old, loves something shinny. Well, Santa brought Jazzy 3 pounds of gems, and a book of 101ways to use them, and 2 boxes of glues dots (600 total). Well this weekend she used up one 300 count box of glue dots, adding bling to everything.
Here are a few of her creations, I'm sure I am missing a few. Oh, shes not done, until those containers are empty!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Hand Crafts

For Thanksgiving Jazzy learned how to make a turkey craft out of her hands and shoe. It was so cute and she was so excited to share this craft with me. So we sat down and make it together it was so cute. And she is such a good teacher. So we spent all Sunday working on this craft to make enough to send all the grandma's and great grandma's. Well we did her little brothers too, man that is a ton of hand to cut out.

Well she made a reindeer for Christmas. So she wants to share a how-to with you.

First is the turkey she made at school.
next is the Reindeer she will teach you how to make.

here is the how-to video to make the reindeer.

Thanks for stopping by to check us out.

How-to videos starring Jazzy

Good morning Card makers,

So this is Jazlyns first day off for winter break. So we thought it would be super fun to make how-to videos. This was Jazlyn's first attempt at making a video. I tried to show her a fast and simple card to start out with, and we only had to take two takes on that one. Then she said she wanted to design a card on her own; she picked out the paper and did it all her self. We had to do a few takes on that one. Sad to say she was going so perfect and then "card full" popped up in the middle, so we had to stop and start over. Well, Cannon (her brother) woke up and wanted his 15 seconds of fame.... Jaz kept going like a pro. She was so nervous and she didn't want to mess up but I tried to tell her even the pro's mess up..

For her first day of taping she did awesome! I didn't think about doing a practice run,with out the camera running, but she did great.

Thanks for coming by to check out her work.

Here is the first card
Here is the video for the first card-

Here is the second card
(all Jazzy design)
Here is the video for the second card-

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Just a few....

Jazzy Veterans day card.

Here is a little flower type thing Jazzy made to put on the front of a card.
Here are a few cards Jazzy made with some "big" girl scrapbooking stuff.

These are just a few of Jazzy's creations. She love art and anything to do with it, from cards to coloring pages. If she can make it pretty or add anything to it she will.

She loves all my scrapbooking stuff, so we share a room :) so she has her own craft area.

Thank you for stopping by,
Jazzy's mom